The e604, on toms, i prefer almost in all cases compared to the e904. The e614 has fantastics mids but lacks a bit of ultra high frequencies above 8k. In the same way, the e914 overhead mics have a little bit too much high end above 8k and lack some mids.

The e902 microphone has a very flat response curve, which for a bass guitar might be fine, but for closemiking a kickdrum a find the e602 much better in almost every aspect. But the e900 set costs almost twice as much as the e600 set! There have been a lot of microphones in the e600 set that to me, sounded better for what i would want from them in many occasions. What was confusing to me, is the fact that when i first listened to the comparisons of the microphones from the sennheiser e900 set, and the e600 set. The e906 is somewhere between and is a very nice balance, it adds definition to the instrument, but it has a nice broadband boost all the way from 2k to the upper mids. The beyerdynamic doesn't have much of a presence boost in the high-mids and doesn't scoop lowmids. The 57 is extremely bright at 5K and above but takes away some 2-3k definition and i don't allways like that. So if there is a guitar amp on the stage, i can listen to it and then select on of these that i think fits best. I will buy one 57, one e906 and one M201TG. These mics have been selected according to what i want from each one of them.įor an example. Sennheiser e600 drumset and then adding to it one sennheiser E906, one beyerdynamic M201TG, one 57 and a set of vocal mics that i haven't decided on yet. My final desicion has come down to buying a: I borrowed a bunch of mics in the wanted pricerange from some of my friends, did a bunch of personal testing, watched many comparison youtube videos etc. And that in that set, i have mics that sound different and are in contrast with each other, but i should know and learn their sound very well, so i can do some "pre eq" at the source, by selecting the right mics, before i even start mixing.

The idea being that i have a set of mics that can i can do a basic 20 channel band with. I have recently started getting more and more work to do and i think it's time to invest some money in my own set of microphones. I do both studio projects and live mixing but i prefer live from a standpoint of my personal joy. In that period i invested a lot of time in both teoretical knowledge and training/experience. So i have been a live and studio sound engineer for 5-6 years now.